Nitrous oxide or laughing gas

Nitrous oxide or laughing gas

Easing mild to moderate anxiety

Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, is the most frequently used method for easing mild to moderate anxiety in children. Administered through a small mask that fits over your child’s nose, it is an effective way to calm anxiety. Your child will be asked to breathe through his or her nose and not through their mouth. As the gas begins to work, your child will become calm. At the end of your child’s appointment, he or she will resume breathing regular oxygen, and all the effects of nitrous oxide will disappear. As your child gets older and becomes more comfortable during dental visits, nitrous oxide may not be necessary.

Sprout Pediatric Dentistry

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We warmly welcome all of our new patients to our practice! We aim to have a highly specialized pediatric dental practice to deliver optimal preventative and restorative dental work to all patients, in a setting that is psychologically rewarding and one of a kind. We seek to provide a dental home for our patients, focusing on preventative strategies to limit high risk habits, leading to lower rates of caries.

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